인턴 공고

[슈나이더일렉트릭코리아] Product Manager Assistant Intern (Full-time, 6M)

~09/25(화) 마감   [서울]

슈나이더일렉트릭코리아㈜는 2001년에 설립된 회사로 자본금 15억 3,751만원, 매출액 2,552억 7,135만원, 사원수 389명 규모의 중견기업입니다.

서울 마포구 상암동에 위치하고 있으며, 에너지관리, 전력수배전, 자동제어, 빌딩자동화사업을 하고 있습니다. 


▶ 모집부문 


Product Manager Assistant Intern 0명 


▶ 직무설명 


<Purpose of the Job>

1. Assistant of the Marketing for Industry BU Product 
2. Assistant of product Marketing including 
i. Special Price management of Industry BU 
ii. Certification management of Industry BU 
iii. Marketing Communication including exhibition , customer seminar, partner event, AD, media press, whitepaper, 
catalog & brochure publishing
iv. Offer Management including product launch, sales tools

1. Develop winning strategy for SEK capture market share growth for concerned product group 
2. Being responsible for sales volume and consolidated margin for the product group 
3. Being responsible for developing sales tools & documentations to support sales team. To make actions and challenge aggressively sales team for concerned product group 
4. Being responsible for stock controls.
5. To cooperate with Marcom supporting all events and tools for exhibitions, seminars, media press 
6. To Cooperate Quality issues

▶ 자격요건

<Specific Issues>
1. Confidence, Responsibility, Professionalism
2. Available for working in Seoul .

<Profile Requirement>
1. Position Level : Intern 
2. Educational Requirements (Type of degree and fields of major required):
2 Year or 4 Year College Level majored in Electrical / Electronic / Control / Mechanical Engineering
3. Experience Required:N/A
4. Foreign Languages : Certain level of writing / Speaking English
5. Aptitudes requirement
   - Endless pioneer spirit
   - Confidence with knowledge based
   - Sound body
6. Capabilities : Average level of Organization, Implement, management, communication, negotiation skill

▶ 근무조건

- 근무형태 : 인턴

- 근무지 : 서울 > 마포구

- 근무요일 : 주5일

- 근무시간 : 09시 00분 ~ 18시 00분

- 급여 : 회사내규에 따름(면접 후 결정)


▶ 전형절차 


서류전형 > 1차면접 > 2차면접 > 임원면접 > 최종합격


▶ 접수기간 


~ 2018년 9월 25일 (화) 까지


▶ 접수방법 


잡코리아 온라인 접수


▶ 제출서류 


- 이력서, 자기소개서 제출

- 최종합격 후 졸업증명서, 최종학교 전 학년 성적 증명서, 공인시험 및 기타 자격증 사본 (소지자에 한함)

- 취업보호대상증명서 (대상자에 한함) 제출


▶ 지원하러 가기 

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