인턴 공고

국제에너지기구(IEA) 인턴 모집 (마감)

채용시 마감 상시


홈페이지 : http://www.mofa.go.kr/introduce/oranization/announcements/employment/index.jsp?menu=m_70_20_60&tabmenu=t_2&sp=/webmodule/htsboard/template/read/korboardread.jsp%3Fboardid=288%26typeID=6%26tableName=TYPE_DATABOARD%26seqno=355088

※ CSD부서 주요 업무

a. Standing Group on Long-Term Co-operation (SLT) related activities
- Assist the preparation of the draft SLT meeting summary record and draft SLT meetingagenda
- Updating the SLT delegates' list
- Assisting the renewal of the IEA member countries' webpage
b. In-Depth Energy Policy Revieiws (IDRs)
- Assist the preparation of IDR team visits to Japan (Dec. 2014), Belgium (May 2015) and France (June 2015)
- Understand the procedure of the IDR and assist Italy IDR launch (March 2015) preparation
- Prepare a note in summarizing the recent trend of the IEA IDR recommendations by topics

국제기구 인턴 지원자 국문 신청서 양식.hwp